application waitlist checklist


have an open application? is your file up-to-date?

Keeping an up-to-date application is the best way to ensure that you retain your spot on the housing wait list. It also provides the Housing Department with the information necessary to plan the most beneficial Housing initiatives for the community in the future.


Given the high number of people currently on the housing wait list at this time, we require that all housing Applicants update their open housing applications on an annual basis and whenever there is a change to information contained in the application. Applications that do not fit this criteria will be withdrawn from the housing wait list.

Here’s what you should ensure do to ensure your application is up-to-date:

  • Check the status of your application with the Housing Department on April 1st of every year, even if no information has changed since you last updated your housing application

  • Update with the Housing Department anytime there is a change to the information contained within the application (ie. contact information, address, family size, accessibility requirements, etc).

  • Check in with the Housing Department if you begin receiving Distribution checks or Income Assistance from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD)…


If you have any further questions please contact the Housing Department Manager, at (250) 390-3661 or by email